The Everyday Co.



Kathryn YeeComment

Happy Spring! After a crazy holiday season and back-to-back shows and markets, my team and I took a short break to spent some much-needed time with family and get re-energized for another big year. Despite our lack of presence on our blog, we've been working hard in the studio since the new year and we are now in full swing planning out new product, styles and Spring events. Production is underway for our 2017 Spring Collection (have you checked out our new Spring Signature styles?) and Boston is showing it's warmer side. How is it March already?

When we're in the studio creating, cutting and sewing, Caitlin really enjoys listening to various podcasts and I get to listen along! They range from a wide variety of interesting topics but of course my favorites are around how inspiring companies and brands got started. So I asked Caitlin to share her favorite creative, business-related podcasts with all of you! It also happens to be that throughout the month of March, podcasters are encouraging everyone to “Try a Pod.” So here you go . . .

MY Top 5 Entrepreneurial, Maker-Related Podcasts

by Caitlin Topham

When I sew, whether I’m quilting in my home studio or making napkins here in The Everyday Co. studio, I love to have something playing in the background as I work. Since there are only so many episodes of The Real Housewives of Whatever City to watch, I turn to podcasts to keep me entertained and inspired. My podcast-listening queue (I use the Podcast app on my iPhone) ranges from true-crime stories to local news. Unsurprisingly, one of the most popular topics in my feed is small business and the creative industry, so we thought I would share my top five creative entrepreneurship podcast feeds with you!

1 / How I Built This

This is a relatively new show hosted by Guy Raz (also the host of the TED Radio Hour). Guy interviews the people behind many successful, well-known brands---like Spanx, Crate & Barrel, and Patagonia. It’s so interesting to learn about the evolution of so many big, successful companies---including their missteps and mistakes---and the show itself is beautifully produced.

Stand-Out Episode
Kate Spade: Kate & Andy Spade

2 / Creative Biz Rebellion

Owning my own small business, and working alongside Kathryn to grow The Everyday Co., I love podcasts that provide concrete information (like how to choose a website provider and tips on how to prep for holiday sales), so I was excited to discover this new podcast. The show is hosted by Kelly of Hello World Paper Co. and Caroline of Caroline Creates, and they dig into the nuts and bolts of running successful product-based businesses. Both they and their guests cover a wide range of helpful topics, and discuss what has and hasn’t worked for them over the years.

Stand-Out Episode
#28: All About Wholesale with Katie Hunt

3 / From Scratch

Hosted by Jessica Harris, this podcast features short interviews with a wide range of entrepreneurs. Similar to How I Built This, From Scratch digs into the origin stories of successful brands. It’s obvious that Jessica does extensive research prior to recording, and I enjoy that she asks her interviewees in-depth questions about business, family, and hobbies.

Stand-Out Episode
Essie Weingarten, the founder of Essie nail polish

4 / Young House Love Has a Podcast

I followed John and Sherry Petersik’s blog, Young House Love, for many years, until they decided to step back and take a break from the blogging world back in 2014. So when they launched a podcast last summer, I was excited to hear from them once again (albeit in a different format), and get their take on DIY, interior design, and home renovation. While many of the episodes are geared toward solving listeners’ design conundrums and interviewing stars in the design world, they also have a few episodes that touch on the nuts and bolts of blogging for business, and offer quite a bit of insider information that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Stand-Out Episode
#8: Three Pro Bloggers Get Real About Sponsored Posts

5 / While She Naps with Abby Glassenberg

Abby is a local blogger and podcaster whose focus is the crafting industry. She’s quite an adept interviewer, and her guests range from sewing pattern designers to craft magazine editors to the president of a fabric company---people that you don’t typically hear interviews with elsewhere.

Stand-Out Episode
#78: Annabel Wrigley

Bonus! StartUp

A popular podcast that Kathryn and I have listened to together is StartUp by Gimlet Media founder (and co-host) Alex Blumberg—award-winning radio journalist and former producer for This American Life and the co-founder of NPR's Planet Money. He tells the story of starting up Gimlet Media, convincing his wife of the unknown, going to Silicon Valley to raise money, the awkwardness of finding a co-founder, and the challenging of growing Gimlet. He hosts along side Lisa Chow who was also a reporter at Planet Money.

Now are you wondering how to get started listening to podcasts yourself?
John and Sherry, the couple of Young House Love, show you how to find and subscribe to podcasts in this helpful post.

We’d love to know what creative and inspiring podcasts you’re listening to while in the studio! Comment using the link below this blog post’s title and if you find a podcast you love (whether it’s one of the ones listed here or another), make sure to share it using the hashtag #trypod!

Happy Listening,
